TMBS E111: Tim Burke, Investing in High-Tech

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AMERICANS ARE RECONSIDERING INVESTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION DUE TO COVID-19Tim Burke –Principal in Tailored Solutions – Edward Jones. An Investment Strategist giving us Tips on Savings Tools and Online Resources for Financial Literacy 

Edward Jones’ ongoing effort to increase financial literacy around topics like education savings with an in-school pilot for high school students and teachers and an at-home curriculum for families whose children are currently learning remotely is a saving factor for many Timbut eighty percent of those currently saving for an in-person, four-year college or university cited concerns that the quality of education may suffer if universities move to online learning, including access to tools and resources necessary for education (47%), lack of community aspects at school, such as sports teams, clubs and on-campus housing (35%) and required in-person lab time (31%). 

About Tim Burke

Tim Burke leads the Discovery team within Tailored Solutions and joined Edward Jones in 1999 as an equity analyst following the telecommunications industry.   He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics from the University of South Carolina and a master’s degree in finance from the University of Texas at San Antonio.  He currently serves on the Advisory Board of SouthSide Early Childhood Center. 
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