BIO ~ Jan Lindhardt
Author “Oxygen for Life ~ Keys to Health”
My name is Jan Lindhardt born in 1955, I am a native of Denmark, English was my 5th language. In my junior year in high school, I started to learn it. I am the second oldest of 12 children and oldest son. I lived for two years in Germany 1974-1976. Came to America from Denmark at the age of 21. I married a woman from Topeka Kansas, raised 8 children without health insurance by taking their health into our own hands using primarily natural solutions to health issues. As of this writing, we have eight children (that will not change) and 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. My wife home-schooled all our eight children! I later became a naturalized citizen, and I love this land of opportunity, I have successfully operated my own computer company since 1992.
While my computer company was my means of income, raising eight children without health insurance taught me to depend on God-given herbs and nutrition. (last two children were born at home, and we are rarely sick) Over the past 20+ years, nutrition and alkaline living became a passion of mine. I have given free health presentations in churches, health clubs, on behalf of Chiropractors, on behalf of a radio station, and in homes. With my son Lars (the groom in the picture), I started an online natural wellness community to share my knowledge with the world.
We call it “Health Squared USA” the purpose is to share mostly for free the natural wellness information and deliver it in Video, PDF, and Podcast format, to promote a greater quality of life. We have recently been blessed by having the IRS accept our 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization we call Oxygen for Life. Its purpose is to provide veterans with education and free access to potentially life-saving medical equipment not understood by the medical community. The two significant technologies: The first is a water electrolysis machine that delivers high pH, small clustered alkaline water. The second is a PEMF Microcirculation system to stimulate the capillaries into a 25-30% improvement in only two 8 minutes sessions per day. Oxygen for life is our way to thank those who paid a high price, and sometimes the ultimate price that we can live in this remarkable country with all its rights and freedoms.
If you have family or friends who would like to gather to learn how they can improve the quality of their lives, feel free to have them contact me for a free Zoom presentation at their home, church, or organization. Only one qualification they have to be serious about turning their health into God’s hands and follow their promptings, and if needed, invest in themselves to overcome what ails them. If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with me.
“Oxygen for Life ~ Keys to Health” Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg, a Nobel Prize-winning researcher, discovered that controlling the body’s pH through increased cellular oxygen can prevent and heal most diseases, including cancer. Despite his groundbreaking research, which received 26 Nobel nominations, it has been largely ignored by the medical industry because oxygen cannot be patented. Despite his groundbreaking research, which received 26 Nobel nominations, it has been largely ignored by the medical industry because oxygen cannot be patented! So along comes Jan Lindhardt
who put 10,000 hours of research into ‘Oxygen Healing’ to write this book.
He raised with his wife in Denmark 8 children without helath insurance necessitating him to learn about natural solutions to health issues. The rest is history and he now has the mission to help the Veterans of America and all who want to get well from serious diseases.
Company Website: (To buy the book direct)
General Health Website:
Not-for-profit Website:
Excellent Oxygen Website:
Amazon book link: