BIO ~ Phillip Mink
Author ” Phillip Mink’s literary journey began with a profound fascination for the written word, sparked by Boris Pasternak’s “Dr. Zhivago.”
This early inspiration set him on a path that intertwined his passion for language with a career in writing and law. His academic and professional endeavors have spanned from writing editorials at university to practicing antitrust and communications law in Washington, DC.
Phillip’s love for fiction, nurtured during his time at the University of Virginia under Pulitzer Prize-winner Peter Taylor, led him to pursue a career in legal writing while continuing to hone his fiction-writing skills.
After a hiatus, Phillip reignited his creative fire in 2010, dedicating over a decade to crafting “The Heathen Paradise.” This novel reflects his deep engagement with political and social themes, merging his legal expertise with his storytelling prowess.
Now residing in Washington, DC, Phillip Mink remains committed to exploring the intersections of politics, crime, and human nature through his fiction. “The Heathen Paradise” represents the culmination of his lifelong dedication to language and narrative, offering readers a gripping and thought-provoking experience.”
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