TMBS E131: Kendra De Keyral, returning after COVID-19

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In a recent IBM survey, 69 percent of workers identified this year as the most stressful time in their careers. In fact, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also found anxiety and depression symptoms have increased by three-fold since 2019, and a quarter of the people said they had mental-health symptoms related to the pandemic. These alarming numbers have many companies weighing options to reopen workplaces so workers can have a break from the social isolation and a chance to reestablish some normal work routines. So how are AI Technologies Helping Businesses, Employees, Students, and Consumers Safely Return to a New Normal During the Pandemic? 
They found that employees’ biggest concerns include fears of being exposed to the virus, uncertainty about the future of their workplace, uneasiness about adapting to different workspaces, and feelings of insecurity about their productivity in a remote work environment).


Kendra DeKeyrel: Director, IBM AI Applications 

SOCIAL MEDIA: LinkedIn | With 20+ years at IBM, Kendra DeKeyrel is an expert at understanding how technology helps organizations solve critical business problems. As the director of offering management for the TRIRIGA portfolio at IBM, she focuses on bringing AI and IoT technologies together with core offerings to deliver greater value and insights to her customers. She oversees executive direction of product marketing, design, development, delivery, and support for TRIRIGA, one of the leading Integrated Workplace Management Systems in the world.  Prior to this role, she served as chief of staff to the IBM general manager of cloud integration. Previously she also was program director of employee productivity, senior manager of digital enablement and effectiveness for She was also a program manager overseeing enterprise content management implementation across IBM.   Kendra attended Texas State University and has written about digital productivity for IBM and industry publications.
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