ABOUT ~ Melissa Zimmerman
Vice President of Clinical Services for Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Southern Arizona. In this role, she oversees behavioral health programs that provide crucial therapeutic support to individuals and families throughout Southern Arizona. Melissa earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Arizona, graduating summa cum laude, and her master’s degree in social work from the University of Denver. In 2020, she was selected as one of Southern Arizona’s “40 Under 40 Next Great Leaders of 2020.”
At JFCS, our goal is to increase the wellbeing of individuals, families, and ultimately our community by providing trauma-informed, person-centered services to people from all backgrounds.
Since our founding in 1941, we have served the needs of vulnerable people across southern Arizona including individuals and families in crisis, children and adults who have experienced trauma, people with disabilities, frail and elderly adults, and neighbors without basic necessities. Our clients come from all age groups, economic backgrounds and all beliefs.
Our Mission
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona helps all people meet their full potential by providing expert community and behavioral health services.
Our Vision
We aspire to empower all people to overcome challenges, contribute to the community, and feel respected and valued.
Our Values
We are guided by the Jewish values of healing the world (tikkun olam) with loving kindness (chesed) as we strive to make the world a more just place for all (tzedek).
COMPANY / ORGANIZATION WEBSITE URL: https://jfcstucson.org/
COMPANY / ORG FACEBOOK PAGE URL: https://www.facebook.com/JFCS.Southern.Arizona

About the Host:
Todd Rockoff – President and CEO of Tucson JCC
Todd has had a 36-year career in the Jewish Community Center (JCC) field. He has been a frequent trainer and guest speaker at JCC Association Professional Conference and Biennial. Todd co-led the development and implementation of many national pilot programs for JCCs, such as: Discover @ the J, Discover CATCH, Talent Management, JCC Maccabi Access, JCulture, and Women inPower. Most recently, Todd has focused on advocating for inclusion programs, practice.
Overall, Todd Rockoff has had a 36-year career in the Jewish Community Center (JCC) field. Todd became the President and CEO for the Tucson JCC in July 2013. After achieving his bachelor’s degree in recreation, leisure studies, and education from the State University of New York at Cortland, he began his career at Scranton JCC in Pennsylvania, in 1985.
From 1995 – 2001, Todd was the Assistant Executive Director and then Executive Director for Calgary JCC in Canada. After that, Todd became the Executive Director for the Shaw JCC of Akron in 2002 – 2013.
I grew up at the JCC in Rochester, NY, went to day and overnight camp and then began working at the JCC. Once I started working at the J and saw the impact you could make on the lives of others I was hooked. I graduated from college and immediately began working as a professional at the JCC in Scranton.
I am blessed to have loved doing what I do every day and inspired to keep learning and growing every day. The Tucson JCC sees itself as the town square of the community. We make a promise that guides our work: We create community based on Jewish Values by creating the highest quality programs and services in a safe and secure environment for ALL people of ALL ages. trockoff@tucsonjcc.org
Company / Organization Website URL www.tucsonjcc.org
Company or Guest LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/todd-rockoff-02b008ba/
Company / Org Facebook Page URL: https://www.facebook.com/TucsonJCC