ABOUT ~ Conrad Funk
President of the Lemurian Fellowship, California
Born in Kansas, attended school in several states and Europe.
Joined the Army after high school and started college at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. I Graduated from Kansas State Teacher’s College with a degree in Education.
I taught as an elementary school teacher in Kansas and California, then moved to a tropical island in Micronesia where I taught English, was a high school principal and established a Co-op store that served four tropical islands.
I joined the Lemurian Fellowship staff in Ramona, CA in 1971 and have served in that capacity until today. The Lemurian Fellowship is a church and correspondence school of spiritual philosophy based on the teachings of ancient Lemuria.
Fellowship teachers work one on one to help student applicants use these principles and learn to live balanced, constructive lives that enhance society.
By using these principles they earn spiritual unfoldment, happiness, security, peace of mind and the ability to cope with life’s challenges.
The Fellowship writes, publishes, and makes available online lessons and other material essential to teaching the Lemurian Philosophy, and conducts religious services for Lemurian staff and Order members.
COMPANY / ORGANIZATION WEBSITE URL: https://www.lemurianfellowship.org COMPANY / ORG FACEBOOK PAGE URL: https://www.facebook.com/LemurianFellowship
COMPANY PHONE (760) 789-1420