BIO ~ Len Rosenblum
Candidate for AZ House LD 18
Systems engineer 38 years University of Buffalo. I have a BS Electrical Engineering MS Computer Science and Grew up in Long Island, NY. I have been happily married 20 years and proud dad of kids 18 & 13.
Past volunteer EMT Former Little League coach. I also have a CCW permit & ham radio and are an HOA treasurer & Notary.
I am running for AZ state house: Why?
1) To give back to the community to make AZ a better place to live.
2) Provide a conservative leaning candidate to the voters.
3) Offer the voters a candidate with a technical background who applies logic and rationality to decision making, not a puppet of a political party.
My political stances: Employ fiscal responsibility, improve K-12 education, Enhance Road infrastructure, promote preventive medicine, develop water resources, Eliminate squatter rights. I support free enterprise and support a secure border to stop illicit activities. I cherish the Constitution and want to Protect our 2nd Amendment.
Company Website: www.Vote.LenForHouse.Info